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Lillee Jean’s ‘Miss Roxie’ and ‘The Trapper Trap’ Screen at International Film Festival

Lillee Jean's 'Miss Roxie' Film and 'The Trapper Trap' Trailer Screen At FilmFest International Festival

Lillee Jean Trueman is an award-winning actress from New York City. In March, she received several awards and nominations for her upcoming film 'Trapper Trap: The Rise of Princess Glamourite' and her short film 'Miss Roxie' (2023).

'Miss Roxie' won the Best Women's Film award, while 'Trapper Trap: The Rise of Princess Glamourite' was a finalist in the Best Trailer category at FilmNest International Film Festival. Both films are currently available for screening on FilmNest's website . The film most recently won an award at the Stingray International Film Festival for Best Trailer, and screened in Paris, France! 

Lillee Jean's 'Miss Roxie' Film and 'The Trapper Trap' Trailer Screen At FilmFest International Festival