Lillee Jean Interview: Filming a Documentary “Project: Bullyish”

What are some of the most interesting or exciting projects you are working on now? How do you think that might help people?
Currently, I am in the process of filming a documentary called “Project: Bullyish”, which focuses on the extensive cyberbullying and harassment I have been subjected to since I was a teenager. People who engage in online bullying believe that they are not doing anything illegal or injuring others. It is astounding how committed people are to trolling, from use of fake accounts to defamation, doxxing, slander, and in my case, impacting my business and using anti-semitic hate crimes against my family and myself to further their vile agenda. As we have been putting this together, it has been fascinating to see the distorted reality in which they live. Cyberbullying is a form of brainwashing that can have detrimental effects on your health. With this documentary, I hope not just to tell my story, but to use it as a vehicle to push for laws that will help everyday people online. Justice cannot be blind. My hope is that this documentary will serve not only as a vehicle for telling my story, but also as the basis for a long-term discussion that will provide real resources in this situation. Project: Bullyish, is more than just a passion project — it’s also an integral part of who I’ve become because of what I’ve experienced. Nobody has the right to terrorize, slander, or defame me or my family while retaining anonymity. I hope this documentary will help people who may be experiencing similar trauma to mine, and that it will provide them with insight into why it is happening, and how they can deal with the trauma associated with it. - Lillee Jean