The Lillee Jean with Inspiring Girls Panama episode is now available to stream!

Full episode 1.5:
Lillee Jean sat down with the current ambassador of Inspiring Girls Panama at the Women's Rights Pioneers Monument in Central Park, New York City. A discussion was held with the future ambassadors present about female empowerment and being the best version of yourself you can be. It is imperative that girls succeed, thrive, and always have support at hand.
Lillee Jean TALKS! Live - Miriam González Durántez | Founder Inspiring Girls | Ep: 3.7:

Voyager With Lillee Jean Episode 1.5: Inspiring Girls Panama: Women's Rights Monument Central Park NYC CAST Director: Lillee Jean Writer: Lillee Jean Producer: Lillee Jean Trueman Cinematography: Laur Trueman Lillee Jean (self) Alessandra Clarke (self) Madison Hird (self) Sophia Norton (self)
Special thanks - Thank you to the Inspiring Girls Panama team. Special thanks to Dr. Iraira Butcher.
©2022 Lillee Jean. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Copyright protection is automatically granted as soon as the original content is created. I explicitly declare my rights, and deter others from using my content in works of stealing, editing, chopping, and/or repurposing. No fair use is given. This short motion picture is protected by the copyright laws of the United States of America, and other countries. Any unauthorized duplication, copying, or use of all or part of this motion picture may result in civil liability, and/or criminal prosecution in accordance with applicable laws. Any likely is solely coincidental.