Lillee Jean portrait headshot from 2019. In this photo, Lillee Jean is shown with her blue/green eyes, fair skin, and dark red/blonde hair. It is registered with the Library of Congress Copyright Office, and all rights and permissions belong to Lillee Jean Trueman.
VA0002322490 / 2022-09-27
Rights and Permissions: Lillee Jean Trueman, Lillee Jean Beauty Inc - United States,

Image 2, Identify: Lillee Jean with burgundy red hair, with crystal blue eyes, mauve lipstick, and a mauve top. She is looking in the camera with an eyebrow raised.
Image 3, Identify: Lillee Jean with red hair looking up at the camera. Her skin has freckles, with a light coral lipstick. Her eyebrow is arched on the left (right) side.
Rights and Permissions: Lillee Jean Trueman, Lillee Jean Beauty Inc - United States,